Friday, October 28, 2016


The Liberation Temple of absolute God is a synergy of all religious virtues and an amalgam of all positive doctrines in the world’s dominant religious. The Temple therefore, accommodates all peoples irrespective of race, tribe, sex, profession, status, philosophy and religious inclinations such as Atheists, Hindus, Zionists, Moslems, Traditionalists etc. it is the spiritual solution ground and the meeting point of all religious. The temple is a universal worship ground for all humanity and represents an instrument of spiritual uprightness that guarantees member immunity against all dark forces of evil and a new lease of life. The temple exploits the potent powers of natural herbs and minerals for the spiritual and physical liberation and empowerment of its members. It is the need to establish the true power of God and the potency of natural herbs that prompted Dr. Ramas to establish this ministry after 35years of spiritual experience to serve the complicated spiritual and health needs of the human race. The temple is therefore a platform of service to humanity. BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP: The temple provides in the most affordable terms, the following: 1. To have the power of vision to see with the third eye the spiritual situation of a member’s life, the evil projections of the messengers of evil in your family and society. 2. The power of dominion over your enemies and those who wish to toy with your destiny. As the lion is the king of the jungle so shall a member be a master over all his known and unknown enemies. 3. A member will have the power to excel and progress and ride the wind like an eagle. 4. A member will gain basic first aid knowledge on herbal remedies. QUALIFICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP: All intending members shall be persons of transparent honesty and integrity who live upright lives and who bear true obedience to the laws of the land and to the fundamental laws of nature and God.